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Showing posts from March, 2012

A few days later... everything is waking up... irises & daylilies... so exciting...

More Springtime preparation

 My veggie garder  Winter sow... my first attempt... Ready to plant Mustard, Spinach & Lettuce    My Shed  The new back of the house... deck and area for barbecue etc...  all the rocks that were burried ! still need to be moved... and my grass is dead...  new plants for 2012 - they are growing in my den right now... so cute!  they are dying to go outside...  

Clivia is blooming!

This clivia was a gift from Laura  McDonnald... we became friends because of my old job. If I am addicted to gardening its because of her! She is such a generous gardener! I will never forget her taking a huge hosta from her garden and spliting it in 6 plants to give me the "starting plants" for my garden. A few visits later she gave me a baby clivia - this one in the picture... It was in 2006... since them the hostas have been divided and the Clivia bloomed for the first time in 2009... but never as gorgeous as this year!!! I just saw Laura the other day and we  had a great time talking about life & plants!  

Air Plants

My Tillandsias ( "Air Plants") in 2012 Just saw these plants at Lymman Estates in Waltham and could not resist! How can one not be amazed at creation!?  

Signs of Spring - 2012

 March 8th - International Women's Day... We had a wonderful breaking record day... our temp got to 68F I got to really garden ... more like an experiment and see if I can beat the weeds. Its going to be really cold tonight and tomorrow so hopefully whatever I exposed will die. Let's see! Splish Splash  is a cute miniature rose - one of the earliest to bloom in my garden... it was planted in 2006 or 2007. I really did not keep a good record. Those are Digitalis - they did well ... under the leaves they were this big already... I just covered again and hopefully they will continue to grow... they came from Allison - she is such a good gardenere!!!! I I did not plant this rose last year. Could not decide and just left this poor thing ... but it's all green and I will plant this year! This is  is a miniature rose that was planted in 2006 - it's an amazing plant...and here we have a few new leaves.... ...