This clivia was a gift from Laura McDonnald... we became friends because of my old job. If I am addicted to gardening its because of her! She is such a generous gardener! I will never forget her taking a huge hosta from her garden and spliting it in 6 plants to give me the "starting plants" for my garden.
A few visits later she gave me a baby clivia - this one in the picture... It was in 2006... since them the hostas have been divided and the Clivia bloomed for the first time in 2009... but never as gorgeous as this year!!!
I just saw Laura the other day and we had a great time talking about life & plants!
A few visits later she gave me a baby clivia - this one in the picture... It was in 2006... since them the hostas have been divided and the Clivia bloomed for the first time in 2009... but never as gorgeous as this year!!!
I just saw Laura the other day and we had a great time talking about life & plants!