I have 3 Polareis Rose Bushes. They are all huge. The one in front came from North Creek Farm in ME - it's graft and it's a really huge plant. It;s one of the first rosebushes I planted in 2006.
The one on the right side of the house is from Northland Rosarium, a own root and it's smaller but this year is about 5 feet tall ... really have grown fast.
The one by my bedroom window is from Pickering also planted in 2006 and it's huge...
This year they are all huge, the roses are really pink and so far no damage from aphids or other pests. They all got Milorganite, bone meal and some Osmocorte - that's what I have this year to feed all my plants. So far I love it...
Front of the house.
By my bedroom window